Portals of Montserrat

Portals d’entrada a la Muntanya de Montserrat (Gateways to the Mountain of Montserrat) is a project launched jointly by the towns of Collbató, El Bruc, Marganell, and Monistrol de Montserrat with the Sanctuary of Montserrat, to foster sustainable, environmentally friendly, family tourism. The aim is to promote local towns and villages and the natural heritage, based on the Montserrat Natural Park and its flora and fauna, geology and history.
The project also aims to promote the local food and drink, under the brand Gastronomia de Montserrat (Montserrat Cuisine), as well as a number of museums linked to Montserrat.
Gateways to the Mountain of Montserrat has the full support of the Montserrat Mountain Trust.