Publications of the Abbey

Since it was first established in 1499, the Monastery publishing company, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, has served the sanctuary and monastery of Montserrat practically without interruption.
The company, with more than 3,000 titles published, is well consolidated within the world of publishing and the promotion of Catalan culture, a position that has been particularly strong since 1950. The principal subjects of its publications are: history, art, essays, studies of language and literature, religion, music for schools, Catalan courses for non-Catalan speakers, walks, and books for children and young people.
In addition to books, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat also publishes the following fortnightly and monthly magazines: Serra d'Or, Documents d'Església, Qüestions de Vida Cristiana, Studia Monastica, Catalan Review and Caplletra.